
Thursday, July 3, 2014


This is a yummy banana...

Pisang Raja Ijo...
Pisang means banana, Raja means king, and ijo means green.

My husband took home three bunches of bananas several weeks ago.
He took it from his parent's garden.
He cut down a banana tree and got some bunches of green ripe bananas.

Only need three days for  the oldest bunch  getting ripen and yellow skin.
And the youngest bunch was getting ripen for about ten days.

The taste is so sweet.
The smell is good, great for eaten fresh or processed.
Would you like to taste it?

Reader, what is your special fruit this week?
Please share...


  1. Salam Endah,

    Kalau di sini namanya pisang abu atau ada juga yang panggil pisang nipah. Buat goreng pisang ni untuk minum petang sedap! Minum pula teh panas.. yums!

    1. Untuk pisang goreng, buah tua yang masih kehijauan kulitnya akan lebih nikmat, karena tak lembek. Pisang yang sudah benar-benar matang lebih enak dimakan segar.

  2. Salam Endah, ya, ditempat saya sama dipanggil pisang raja. Sedap di buat goreng atau serawa ( bubur ). Rasanya manis dan baunya harum.

    1. Salam Kak Mala,
      Oh ternyata namanya sama. Disini ada banyak macam pisang raja, kadang sampai bingung menghapalkannya.

  3. I love mangoes and cherries but I eat bananas almost every day. :)

    1. Sound so interesting! We only find sweetened cherries here. I don't know how about the taste of fresh cherry. It must be so fresh.

  4. So nice to have bananas growing in your area. When I visited Indonesia people were selling bananas at railway stations I remember. In our country we have to import them from warmer countries. At this moment we have strawberry season here.

    1. Banana is the main fruit on our tropical climate. We can find it through the year. It's not a seasonal fruit, so the banana's trees produce fruits all year round. Here, on the high land, strawberries are grown and produce fruits all year round, maybe the micro climate is suitable for them to flowering and fruiting, constantly.

  5. Oh yes, I'd like to taste it :) I like bananas, but here in Poland, we only get imported bananas which fit European standards, I bet yours are far more tastier!

    My fruit of the week are red currants - today I ate some of them, and made a fresh compote for my little son :)

    1. Here, we can find hundreds varieties of banana, both edible and non edible. We also find so many varieties for eaten raw or for processed.
      Wow... I see your black and red currants, they look so yummy! I have never tasted the fresh currant. I think too hot here to grow red and black currant. I love the aroma and the taste of the black and red currants jam. I guess the fresh one tastes much better.

  6. Our banana's are imported...I would love to taste one right off the tree.
    This week we have peaches and blackberries ready to pick. Have a nice day.

    1. I see... you have great peaches and blackberries there. It make me jealous... :) Here, peaches are grown on high land as a minor fruits and the fruits are not good enough, so they just for processed into so may products.
      Thank you for coming and have a nice week.
