
Tuesday, August 19, 2014


It's so long I didn't upload post about my harvest.
Ya... for about last six weeks, I have been having problem on the internet connection.
I guess it was about too much user on the same provider and over capacity.
I should try on thinking about move to other providers, they may give better service.
And one more last three week I got a trouble on the memory of my android camera.
Actually, just a simple way to solve the problem change the memory card, but there's no time to looking for it.
Now the problem was solved...
So ... I can show you my harvest.
And here they are my harvest this week...

Wednesday :
First tubby cucumber from my terrace garden, pumpkin leaves, chili peppers, celery and kara bean.

Thursday :
Ciplukan (Tomatilo), adem ati, curly mustard and celery.

Friday :
Passion fruit, pare (bitter gourds), red okra, green long yard bean, buncis (runner bean), and two varieties of  kara beans.

Saturday :
Timun jepang (Japanese cucumber), celery, and green mustards  

Sunday :
Green amaranths, loofah, sweet corn, pare (bitter gourd), two varieties of kara beans, buncis (runner beans) and chili peppers.

Monday :
Curly mustards, green eggplants, pare, kara beans, tomato 'mawar', and two varieties of long beans.

Tuesday :
Pare, pare leaves and Wijaya Kusuma (Queen of the Night flowers)


  1. Beautiful harvest Endah...Cuma satu saja yang agak baru bagi saya - Queen of the Night flowers - edible also? Masak apa ya Endah...saya tidak pernah tahu kalau bunga ini boleh dimakan. Waiting for your info..

    1. Saya pun baru pertama memanennya. Saya tahu dari teman gardener di Facebook. Mereka biasa memasak soup atau tumis dari bunga ini. Rasanya plain katanya. Saya tak sabar ingin segera mecobanya. Hasil panen masih ada di fridge. Nanti saya share hasil eksperimen saya.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, we do have different climate, so we do have different plants too.

  3. With whole internet or your blogger? I'm also having problems with connection on my blog for past 6 weeks. I get error messages all the time.
    You had very interesting harvest. That Queen of night flower reminds me a lot of cacti flowers.

    1. The last was about the whole internet, but two months ago I had problem with the blogger. I could not check the last pots from blogs that I follow from the dashboard. That's really annoying.
      Ya...Queen of the night is a member of Cactaceae family, so the flowers are the same.

  4. A variety of things will be fun to put in a stir fry, well at least that is what I do with them.

  5. What a great harvest Endah, and such a different lot of vegetables and fruits than we get here in the UK.

    1. Thank you Paula. We have different climate, so we have different plants to br growed.

  6. Hi Endah, wow, I am blown away how many delicious looking vegetables and fruits you got to harvest from your garden! Everything looks so yummy! There are many varieties that I have never seen or even heard of. Great job!

    1. Hi Christina! Thank you for coming and also following my blog. Ya... the plants on my garden mostly are tropical plants. There are some subtropical plants that I grow, but they don't do well. The weather is not favorable. But it's so much pleasure to try something new and unusual.

  7. Piękne zbiory! Chętnie bym wpadła w odwiedziny spróbować takich egzotycznych warzyw. Niestety to tak daleko. Przesyłam buziaczki!

  8. habis lah kata-kata saya Bu Endah... I just love u n yr garden much...
    iya, saya baru dengar kalau bunga wijaya kusuma bisa dimakan,,

    1. Ya, ini juga pertama kali mencoba. selama ini setiap kali berbunga cuma dibiarkan layu dan gugur. Kalau ternyata edible, kenapa tidak dimanfaatkan...
