
Monday, September 1, 2014


Last Saturday was a really nice day to explore a lot of thing.
Exploring the beauty of our nature.
Everything looks great on the wildlife.
Even though it was a wild plant, a weed on the farmland.

Yes... these weeds made me so fascinated.
I found them at a farmland after its harvesting time.
The light blue flowers looked so striking on the green 'carpet'.

This wild Ageratum is usually be an invasive weed on the farmland.
Here we call it Bandotan or Babadotan.

Although disturbing, this plant is well known as traditional antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
Its crushed leaves is usually used to stop bleeding on the wounds, cause it has coagulant effect.
The leaves are also used traditionally to treat sore throat, tumor, malaria, hair fall, thrush, rheumatism, and flatulence.

I have heard that the essential oil from this plant is used in pharmacy industry as an additional stuff for antiseptic.
But it has not popular yet.

Most peoples think that it easier to process them be a compost heap for farmland, than processing them into essential oil that have long and complicated process.

I think, someday this plant may be cultivated for its great benefits.
Natural stuffs must be better for our life.


  1. I use to see this weeds while young! We use to pluck and put on hair! I seldom see them now!

    1. When I was a little girl, I used to collect these flowers and put them on a vase.

  2. I think we're starting to look for more and more natural products these days so perhaps this plant will start to be used for the benefit it can provide.

  3. I have seen something similar but wouldn't want to say it was the same, haven't seen what ever it was in a long time.

  4. Aha, the Ageratum, a weed for you, a respected annual in the garden for us. Growers have cultivated the Ageratum in our country in various varieties, for example short stemmed for flowerbeds in the garden and the Ageratum houstonianum with long stems is wonderful for cutting and use in bouquets.

    1. Yes, I often see this plant is grown as ornamental plant in some countries. But here this plant is still growing wildly as weed on farmland.

  5. Ha, ha! Here we grow up Ageratum from seed and have it as cultural flower in beds, window boxes.Lovely blue flowers!

    1. I see... The colorful Ageratum were really interesting. But here I only see white, light blue and pale-light purple Ageratum that grow wildly. But the light blue is the most...

  6. Like Nadezda, we grow Ageratum as a valued garden plant! I had no idea about its medicinal properties... I will look at it in a new light !

    1. Yes Jane. That's really interesting to see and know something new.

  7. Salam endah;
    true its really beautiful blooms in light purple and have medical value some more...great gift of nature...

    1. Salam Ana,
      Yes, our nature always give us great stuffs for our better life.

  8. Ya, really love to see this cutie blooms. Also have in white color.

    1. Thank, Kak Mala. They are so cute and beautiful, useful too...
