
Monday, September 29, 2014


Nothing special...
Just a few time for gardening and dry weather make there's nothing good progress in this part.
Some vegetable pots should be unloaded, because their productive period were over.
I moved several ornamental peppers into this site.
I this my balcony is much safer than my terrace garden.
Because this windy and dry weather is not favorable to my lovely plants.
Very strong winds made so many stalks have broken on my terrace garden.
So, I moved five pots of ornamental peppers from my balcony.
Here they are.... my eastern balcony this morning.

Southern side...
Curly Mustard, celery, pak coi and ornamental peppers in the row.

Sawi  (Chinese mustard) grows so well, looks like a huge green rose.

Caisin, I think this plant needs more compost, looks so poor...

Green pakcoi, although it doesn't have  good shape, but the taste is very good.

Bunga ekor kucing (Acalypha hispida pendula) makes this balcony so colorful.

Celery, still grow well  on a small container, great for daily use.

Northern side...

Ornamental peppers and curly mustards.

Curly mustards are starting their generative period.
Bolting, but I can see their beautiful yellow flowers are cheering my balcony.
And I will get lots of seeds for the next season.

Cabe ceremai, a variety of ornamental pepper, I can find so many flower buds on the main shoot.
I can't wait to see the fruit.

Both of green and red lettuce are bolting right now.

The green lettuce get bolting earlier, and some seeds have been mature.
I can find some self seedling of lettuces under this plant.


  1. Endah,

    Dah lama tak nampak pokok bunga ekor kucing dan cabai cermai tu...

    1. Disini pun sudah jarang ditemukan tanaman ini. Beruntung dua tahun lalu saya temukan tanaman ini di sebuah nursery.

  2. We've tried several times but just can't grow celery

    1. Oh... I'm so sorry. It needs a hard work at the seedling period, they are so weak and need more handling. But they will be a lovely plant later.

  3. Cantik2 pokok sayurnya Endah. Saya cukup admire celery Endah tanam. Subur betul tapi saya selalu failed. Lagi satu suka tengok pokok ekor kucing mini tu..terkenang masa lalu, pernah tanam pokok ni. Memang comel sangat..

    1. Celery grows much better on my balcony, I think it has a favorable micro climate here. Good sun shine in the morning, humidity, and also favorable temperature.

  4. Assalam.. pokok ekor kucing dulu suka ditanam oleh datuk saya... sewaktu kecil daulu habis saya kerjakan untuk main masak-masak .. cili cermai tak pernah saya lihat.. sungguh menarik... celery itu sungguh menarik mata .. subur sangat... apa rahsia Endah..sawi dan bokcoy yang subur-subur...bahagia hati penanamnya

    1. Wa'alaikum salam Kak Mar,
      Tanaman yang subur memang membuat bahagia hati kita. I use homemade compost and topsoil as a media, and also keep watering twice a day during this dry season.

  5. The only thing of these plants we can grow in our garden is the celery, that grows easily outside in the soil. I can imagine how the red flowers of the Acalyphy mix wonderful with all your vegetables and herbs on the balcony.

    1. Yes, Acalypha is a lovely plant. That's an old fashion plant. I have been looking for another shrub Acalypha, but I haven't foind it yet.

  6. I think your garden looks wonderful! I love to grow acalypha, too. I love how furry the flowers are. :)

    1. Thank you, this plant is so cute. You will love it, cause the plant will never stop blooming.

  7. Bu Endah, mau berapa kali pun saya bilang, saya selalu cinta melihat kebun Bu Endah, selalu kesengsem, jadi, mau bilang apa lagi..... ... ... .......
