
Sunday, September 14, 2014



Ada banyak resep yang umum digunakan sebagai pertolongan pertama pada berbagai penyakit yang bisa kita temukan di sekitar rumah kita.
Dan jika kita menanamnya, maka bahan tersebut akan tersedia setiap saat, kapanpun kita butuhkan.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa resep tradisional yang umum digunakan masyarakat Indonesia, tentunya termasuk keluarga saya.
There are so many recipes that commonly used as first aids on so many diseases that the stuffs could be found around our houses.
And if we grow the medicinal plant, so the stuffs will provide every time, whenever we need.
Here some traditional recipes that commonly used by Indonesian, and of course my family too.

Radang tenggorokan
Sore throat

Ambil  satu sendok makan asam jawa dan satu sendok gula jawa, letakkan di dalam gelas, lalu tuang air panas dan aduk, minumlah selagi hangat.

Put a tablespoon of tamarind pulp and a tablespoon of coconut sugar on the cup, then pour it with hot water and stir it, drink it when the water become warm; 

Perut kembung, masuk angin dan batuk
Flatulence, colds and cough

Resep 1
Letakkan setangkai daun mint di dalam gelas, lalu tuang dengan air panas, hirup aromanya, dan bila airnya sudah hangat bisa segera diminum.
Recipe 1
Put a sprig of mint leaves on the cup, then pour it with hot water, inhale the the aroma, and when the water became warm, drink it.

Resep 2
Letakkan satu rimpang jahe, lima butir cengkeh, setangkai daun mint dan dua sendok makan gula kelapa di dalam panci, tambahkan tiga cangkir air dan masak sampai mendidih.
Kita dapat menambahkan sedikit garam untuk menambah citarasa.
Jika air sudah mendidih, angkat dan segera disaring, biarkan sampai hangat, diminum satu cangkir tiga kali sehari.

Recipe 2
Put a rhizome of ginger, five cloves, a sprig of mint leaves and two tablespoons of coconut sugar in a pot, add 3 cups of water, then boil it. 
We can add a pinch of salt to get the better taste.
When  the water have already boiled, strain it and let it become warm, then drink it a cup three times a day.

Resep 3
Letakkan satu rimpang jahe, lima butir cengkeh, satu lembar daun pandan, setangkai sereh dan dua sendok makan gula kelapa di dalam panci, tambahkan tiga cangkir air dan masak sampai mendidih.
Kita dapat menambahkan sedikit garam untuk menambah citarasa.
Jika air sudah mendidih, angkat dan segera disaring, biarkan sampai hangat, diminum satu cangkir tiga kali sehari.

Recipe 3
Put a rhizome of ginger, five cloves, a pandanus leaf, a stem of lemon grass and two tablespoons of coconut sugar in a pot, add 3 cups of water, then boil it. We can add a pinch of salt to get the better taste.
When  the water have already boiled, strain it and let it become warm, then drink it a cup three times a day.

Rasanya sangat berempah dan enak, juga menghangatkan tenggorokan.
Ini sangat manjur.

The taste is so spicy and delicious, also warming our throat.
It's really work!


Ambil 10 lembar daun sirih atau daun Lantana, kemudian rebus dalam dua gelas air, air rebusan tersebut digunakan sebagai antibiotik dan untuk mencuci luka.
Kita juga dapat meletakkan daun Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides) yang telah diremas-remas pada luka baru untuk menghentikan pendarahan dan sebagai antibiotik.

Put 10 leaves of Piper betel or Lantana leaves, after that boil it on two glass of water, then we can use it as antibiotic and also to wash wound.
We can also put crushed Ageratum leaves on the new wounds to stop the bleeding and as antibiotic.

Sakit Gigi Toothache

Seduh tiga lembar daun sirih menggunakan air panas, lalu berkumurlah menggunakan air tersebut selagi hangat. Dan lakukan berulang kali.
Letakkan bunga Legetang pada gigi yang sakit, lalu gigitlah, maka minyak atsirinya akan mengurangi rasa sakit dan juga sebagai antibiotik.

Brew three Piper betel leaves using hot water, then gargling it as mouthwash when the water still warm. And do it repeatedly.
Put a Legetang flower (Acmela uliginosa) on the sore tooth, then bite it, so the essential oil will relieve the sore and as antibiotic too.

Resep diatas hanya sebagian kecil dari resep obat tradisional Indonesia, yang merupakan warisan budaya yang harus dilestarikan.
Untuk menghindari resiko, saat mengkonsumsi obat apapun, imbangi dengan minum air putih sebanyak mungkin, terutama air hangat.Air ini akan melarutkan bahan-bahan yang tidak diperlukan oleh tubuh, sehingga tubuh akan tetap fit.
Ikuti resep dan dosis  yang dianjurkan.
Jika anda mencoba suatu bahan untuk pertama kalinya, gunakan setengah atau seperempat dosis anjuran, jika tidak ada reaksi negatif tingkatkan dosis hingga sesuai dengan dosis yang dianjurkan.
Gunakan panci tanah liat atau kaca, dan hindari bahan logam untuk merebus ramuan herbal, karena akan beresiko terjadinya reaksi kimia yang bisa merugikan kesehatan.
Tetap sehat bersama alam...

The recipes above just a few of Indonesian traditional herbal medicines, that it's a Cultural Heritage that must be preserved.
To avoid the risk, whatever medicine that we are consuming, we have to drink clear water as much as possible, especially warm water.
Water will throw out all useless material from our body, to keep our body fit.
Follow the suggestion recipe and dosage.
If you try a herbal medicine for the first time, use half of dosage or just quarter of dosage, if there's no negative reaction, you can increase the dosage until as the same to suggested dosage.
Use crockery or glass pot to boil the herbal plant, and avoid using metal tools.
Keep healthy with our nature...
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I'm always a bit wary of using medicinal plants.

    1. Yes, we need a positive suggestion on doing everything tho get the best result.

  2. Endah, I also I use in some cases, mint, ginger, St. John's wort, pepper ...
    Your posts are very interesting.
    Happy week.

    1. Thank you for sharing Lucia. Sound so interesting to hear so many people from all over the world using their own specific plants for medicinal purposes.
      have a wonderful week.

  3. salam endah;
    InsyaAllah...i'll try your family's secret recipes...and tq for sharing

  4. Info yang sangat menarik. Kakak terdedah dengan penggunaan halia sbagai penghambat angin perut sedari kecil lagi. Arwah ayah & ibu selalu praktikan dirumah. Tiada campuran lain kecuali halia diketuk dan dimasukkan dalam tea panas.

    1. Kamipun sering memakai jahe panggang yang ditumbuk untuk menghilangkan angin di perut. kadang ditambah gula kelapa atau ditambahkan pada minuman teh atau kopi hangat.

  5. That's a very helpful post of recipes and I'm very much into natural remedies. The tamarind with coconut sugar tea sounds interesting. I might try that if I get a sore throat. Hopefully, I don't get a sore throat! :-)

  6. I really like your ideas for sore throat because, as a teacher, it often happens to me!

    1. Thank you, Magali. You all right, as a teacher you have to talk more and more to explain some lesson...
      During this dry season, sore throat often become a common problem here, so this drink always cooling our throat

  7. Bu Endah.... terima kasih banyak sudah berbagi resep-resepnya.. You are so amazing...

    1. Terima kasih, itu baru sebagian kecil resep tradisional yg biasa kita praktekkan
