Bright shine and warm weather.
Enjoying this moment for some gardening chores.
Pruning, weeding and watering our terrace garden.
The heat makes this morning is a sweaty morning, a bit tiring but a lot of fun.
So, just taking a rest for a moment and then enjoying the beauty on our table.
There are five little pot here.
First, a beautiful pakcoy 'Nai Bai'.
Such a same to harvest and cook it.
The second, a kind of ground orchid.
The foliage is so interesting.
Then a pot of Nanas kerang or Rhoeo discolor (Tradescantia spathacea).
It's seem etiolated.
The fourth is a green striped Bromelliad.
Looks so compact, I like it.
And the last one is the most lovely thing here.
White flowered Pelargonium is blooming for the second time.
Thanks GOD for this beautiful world!