
Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I think all plants on my raised beds grow by their self.
Only need a little handling.
It's so different with my terrace garden or my pot plants on my balcony.
During the rainy season, I only plant some tough plants that resistant to heavy rain and wet soil.
Growing Brassica and Allium is a hard work, and really difficult in my wet and warm climate.

You know that I have four kitties, they've never let me work on my garden.
They love to play on my garden.
Running and rolling on the garden, especially on my raised beds.
And I'm sure you all know, the little plants will broken and look so poor.

The clear bed must be ready for the new planting season.

On the western backyard I have five six raised beds.
My husband helped me made some additional raised bed.
On the eastern backyard I have three raised beds.
But they look so messy in the rainy season.

Some plants grow rapidly, wildly.
Tidying up my raised bed is a must.

The weather always restricted me on working on my raised bed.
Actually it should be in dry season, but we have rain almost everyday. 
I don't know when I could finish on tidying up my raised bed.
Maybe I should wait until the real dry season is coming.


  1. Cats are drawn to bare newly dug soft soil aren't they?

    1. Yes, that's right. Soft soil is a very nice place for them to play during a sunny day.

  2. The cats are so sweet but I think they will use your raised bed as a litterbox, that´s not fun. The last two days it is raining all day over here, we needed it, it was very dry, but now I can´t do any work in the garden.

    1. Yes. raised bed is a huge litter box for cats, although we have already provide some litter box for them.
      We have rain and very cool day in the last four days. Nothing that I can do on my garden.

  3. Saya bisa stress kalau kucing2 membuang air besar disekitar tanaman.. hujan amat dialu-alukan buat tanaman saya yg selalu ditinggalkan..

    1. Betul Kak Mar, sangat menjengkelkan. Disini masih juga hujan, meski biasanya bulan Mei sudah memasuki awal musim kemarau. kalau kita sering lama meninggalkan rumah, siraman air hujan memang sangat membantu menyegarkan tanaman kita.

  4. The kitties might make raised bed a hard thing for you, maybe some wire over them would help. Hard to deal with too much rain but we can always water when too dry.

    1. Th.at's right. I think I should try your tips, using wire on my raised bed

  5. I love peeking into your little garden...keep enjoying it.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Lisa. They are so funny, but some times really annoying.

  7. It is so frustrating when the rain prevents you from getting jobs done in the garden. I expect yours is nice warm rain though, Endah ! Not like the cold stuff we get in the uk!

    1. Absolutely right! So many plans have canceled cause by the unexpected weather. I,m sure our weather is much warmer than on the UK.
      I hope we have better weather forward.

  8. Rain can be really frustrating but without it we will suffer too! ;) I hope you can find some time to clear your raise bed!

  9. Kebun Bu Endah ini aduhai sipmarkusippp...
    Ada kucingnya juga yang lucu-lucu...
    resep media raised bednya apa Bu? saya ada kepengin suatu saat bikin raised bed,

    1. Ini tanah biasa, ditaburi homemade compost, dan sekam. Soalnya tanah tempat saya sangat halus cepat sekali memadat kalau disiram, apalagi kalo musim hujan langsung memadat dan jadi mirip kolam.

    2. Ternyata setiap tempat punya karakteristik masing-masing yang kadang perlu diatasi ya...
      Tempat saya kering sekali. Tanahnya kalau kering keras dan air untuk menyiram harus beli. hhe.. Tapi kepinginn bikin raised bed, insyaAllah semoga kesampaian.

    3. Tanah yang kering dan keras bisa diatasi dengan bahan organik yang banyak dan media yang porus. Di dekat tempat tinggal saya ada yg tipe tanahnya seperti itu. Tambahan pasir, sekam, serbuk gergaji atau cocopeat bisa menahan kelembaban media dan media tak mudah mengeras.
      Semoga bisa segera terwujud raised bed-nya.

    4. Aamiin...Terima kasih banyak Bu Endah untuk tipsnya..

  10. You really make great use of your space with all of those raised beds! And just look at your kitties there!! They are so cute I bet it is hard to be mad at them for breaking plants!!! Keep us posted on what you plant!
