
Sunday, June 8, 2014


Sunday is a great time to gardening.
This Sunday, only a little thing that I had do.
But it really needs hard work... unloaded my compost bin.... and harvesting my own home made compost.
I used chicken wire as a strainer.
So, I got three pails of fine compost for my pot plants, and about two pails crude or immature compost.
A pail of fine compost is already sterilized for seedling.
I put the immature compost in to the other compost bin to continue their composting process.
Adds some immature compost (with some earth worms on it) on the compost bin will make the composting process become faster.
So, I always do that... and then I can harvest compost more often for my garden.
Reader... How do you do with your compost bins and compost heaps this season?


  1. I like the idea of treating compost as a crop to harvest.

    1. I think that all organic materials look like seed. When we put them in to a container, then watering, so they will 'grow'. And adding some earth worm or microorganisms on it is similar to adding fertilizer, the composting process become better and faster. A simple concept.

  2. Mohon perincian membuat kompos... bahan2nya... tanaman Endah subur2 sekali

    1. Saya pakai sampah dapur dan kebun sebagai bahan, lalu taruh di bak atau lubang di tanah. Jika musim kemarau bisa disiram tiap hari agar terjaga kelembabannya. Untuk mempercepat proses, bisa ditambah air cucian beras atau daging/ikan. Bila perlu tumpukan bahan organik dibalik seminggu sekali. Tak sampai 3 bulan, sudah bisa panen kompos.

  3. I haven't made much compost this year, well at least in a container, I do need to have a look at my container and add fresh stuff. I have been putting most of my compost materials directly into the garden where it mulches and composts eventually. You have reminded me to get to work on my compost crop as that is where I get my seed starting soil.

    1. Oh I know... your idea to add organic stuff as mulch is very good. They will fermented naturally on the ground and become a great compost for your farmland, a simple way but give us great result.

  4. The lid on my composter has been stuck and I can't get it off! I need my husband's help on it. I keep forgetting to ask him.
    I loved your comment on my blog today. I bet your son's traditional dance is amazing - I wish I could see it!

    1. Yeah, sometime I was so lazy. I let my compost bin too dry or let the mature compost on the bin. Actually, I can harvest the compost every two month. But sometime I was forget or had no time for harvesting.
      Thank you, Lisa. I will show you!

  5. I love to compost, I like to add peelings from fresh veggies such as potatoes skins, apple peelings, lettuce leafs and many more. I also add yard grass and leaves. I think I heard some folks add egg shells and coffee grounds. Some add a little chicken manure. One way I want do my compost in the future is add all this stuff in the chicken pen and let the chickens rake it around and break it down until it becomes beautiful black soil for the gardens. Have a wonderful day my friend.

    1. Great idea, Teresa! The chicken will process all raw material in to mature compost naturally. Oh yes, we call all peeling, egg shell, and 'fresh waste' from our kitchen as kitchen scrab. They are great for compost stuff.
      Thank you for coming and have a wonderful week!

  6. Endah, rajin kamu. Saya baru berlajar buat di rumah.

    1. Terima kasih. Menurut saya, membuat kompos jadi tugas wajib seorang gardener. Tidak sulit untuk membuatnya.

  7. Thanks for sharing what you do for compost. I am a lazy gardener. I just pile up the grass clippings, discarded garden plants, and my kitchen compost can (tea leaves, egg shells, veggie peelings, banana skins, etc). When I think about it, I ask my husband to scoop it up with his tractor to turn it over. We live out in the wilderness, so we just pile all that up under an oak tree. The tree has gone from almost dead to a beautiful soecimen. Of course the rice hulls compost we use for fertilizer is piled up on the other side of the tree. That tree does not have a chance of being anything but healthy! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

    1. Actually, your composting process is so natural. Thank yoy for coming, Linda!

  8. Kompost to świetna sprawa. U nas stoją dwa olbrzymie kompostowniki które zapełniamy na zmianę. Co dwa lata wybieramy jeden kompost przerobiony, przesiewamy i wędruje na grządki. Nie lubię tego, to ciężka praca ale moje rośliny lubią. Serdecznie pozdrawiam.

    1. Yes, compost is a great thing in our garden. I have two compost bins on my garden, and two holes on the ground as additional composter. Our hard work will paid by healthy plants that grow on my garden.

  9. Salam Endah,

    Whoa! Banyaknye composttttt! Seronok semai benih ni!

    1. Ya, tapi capeknya membongkar dan menyaring kompos sampai jadi fine compost.

  10. Very nice compost! Wish I have the space to do it. I only made it once, in a small pot and was looking for space to place that pot. I don't do it anymore.

    1. Making compost needs patience. So, for amateur gardener like me, it's a hard work and need to learn more about composting efficiently.
