
Monday, June 30, 2014


This is one of my chilli pepper collections this season.

Candle Light Pepper is a type of ornamental pepper.
But of course... hot and tasty too...

The pod is beautiful both of color and shape.
The pods cluster bear on the end of branching.

I sowed three seeds on March, but the only one plant remain.
Mealy bugs and thrips have  destroyed my other collection.


You can see the bugs under the leaves.
Hmmm... really annoying...


The leaves look yellowish, so poor....oh no...


I hope no bugs and other problem on this lovely plant until the pods become ripe and reddish.
I wish....


  1. Your chillies look a lovely colour now, very unusual!

    1. I have been waiting for the ripe chillies. I saw on picture, the ripe chillies have orange-red color. So pretty, hope I get them ripen

  2. It looks to be made from wax like a candle.

    1. That's right Sue. So, I was really impressed at the first sight. But mine are not good enough. I've ever seen a perfect Candle Light pepper that had long-stright and clean creamy color, also there were a lot of pods on a cluster.

  3. My peppers chilii attacked aphids. It took off from the leaves, and ants still wore them there. As a result, I got rid of the ants. Good luck :)

    1. Thank you. Yes, aphids is a very annoying bug and usually make a serious problem on our pepper plants. I usually use soapy water to spray the infected plant, and reduce the old leaves, especially infected leaves. Hope you get luck too on growing peppers.

  4. salam endah...mine, out of 5 seeds just 2 germinated...keep put an eye on them....
    happy iftar

    1. Salam Ana,
      Yes, the seed germination of ornamental pepper is usually fairy low (this is my experience). But seed from fresh ripe pepper is usually much better, than seed that sold especially imported seeds. Ornamental peppers are beautiful but need a hard work to keep them grow well and beautiful.

  5. Assalaamu'alaykum Bu Endah...
    Saya belum beruntung menanam cabe, beberapa kali menanam daunnya rontok dan matilah pohon cabenya... Semoga lain kali bisa berhasil.

    Senang sekali melihat-lihat blog Bu Endah..

    1. Wa'alaikumsalam.
      Menanam cabe memang gampang-gampang susah. Saya lebih sering gagal dari pada sukses bertanam cabe. cabe itu gampang stress dan disukai hama-penyakit. Saya mencoba berbagai cara dalam bertanam cabe. terlalu banyak pupuk, kekeringan atau terlalu banyak air pun kadang memicu rontoknya daun.
      Semoga lain kali Anda bisa berhasil.
      Terima kasih sudah mampir, selamat menikmati blog ini.

  6. My daughter has made a bug-spray from crushed tomato leaves soaked in water for a day or so. She says it works very well, so maybe you should try it on your chillis?

    1. Yes, I think so. Thank you for sharing the tips. here, we usually use a thin soapy water or soaked Annona leaves as a bug-spray.
